Roy Dawson, Earth Angel: Turning Negative Energy Into Love and Light

Roy Dawson, Earth Angel: Turning Negative Energy Into Love and Light

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Roy Dawson, known as an Earth Angel, has an extraordinary gift—one that he has honed and perfected over years of spiritual growth and guidance from God and his spirit guides. As a powerful empath, Dawson has learned to navigate the complexities of energy, both positive and negative, and transform it into something peaceful, loving, and healing. Recently, he shared a powerful message about his journey, discussing how he deals with the negative energy directed toward him and how he turns these attacks into love.

A Fallen Earth Angel: Attacks and Spiritual Strength
In his spiritual path, Roy Dawson has encountered challenges, including attacks from those who may be considered "fallen angels." These attacks, he explains, come in various forms—witchcraft, spells, voodoo, black magic, and negative energy. For many, these dark forces would be overwhelming, but Dawson has mastered the art of using them to his advantage.

"Sometimes, people direct harmful energy at me, trying to break me down. But I've learned how to handle it," Dawson explains. "Instead of being consumed by that energy, I transform it. What once was negativity I turn into peaceful, loving energy—and I send that back to them."

This spiritual strength is not something Dawson developed overnight. Over time, through deep connection with God and his spirit guides, he has become spiritually bulletproof. He no longer fears the attacks of dark forces because he knows how to protect his heart and soul.

Spiritual Resilience: Becoming Stronger Through Adversity
Dawson's spiritual resilience has given him a unique perspective on the power of negative energy. He shares that every time someone tries to harm him, whether it’s through black magic, voodoo, or simply negative thoughts, he becomes stronger. Rather than being drained, he absorbs the energy and turns it into something positive.

"I have learned that when I am attacked with negativity, it only makes me more powerful," Dawson says. "I’ve mastered the art of not letting any of it affect me. It’s like armor. The more they throw at me, the stronger I become."

This newfound strength, Dawson believes, is a gift from God. Through his deep faith and connection to divine energies, he has learned how to protect his heart and spirit from the negativity of others. As an empath, Dawson also knows how to shield himself from the overwhelming emotions and energies of those around him, especially those who are struggling or in pain.

The Power of Positive Energy
One of Dawson's most profound insights is about the energy we put out into the world. As someone who can pick up on the thoughts and feelings of others, he has learned how important it is to be mindful of the energy we give off. If you’re sad or upset, Dawson advises that you begin to focus on positive thoughts rather than dwelling on negativity.

"I know what it's like to feel sad, and we all go through difficult times," Dawson says. "But it’s important not to project your sadness onto others. It's selfish to wish your pain on someone else. We need to be mindful of what we send out into the world, because it will always come back to us."

Dawson believes in the universal law of attraction: what you put out into the world will eventually return to you. If you continue to wish harm or bad things on others, he explains, it will eventually come back to haunt you. However, if you choose to focus on the good, send love and well wishes to those around you, the energy you receive will be just as positive.

"I don’t take pleasure in seeing others suffer," Dawson adds. "I wish for everyone to find peace, to heal, and to experience love. It's the energy we send out that shapes our lives. If you want to be surrounded by love and joy, you have to be the one to create that energy first."

A Message of Hope and Healing
At the heart of Dawson's message is one of compassion, healing, and positivity. His journey as an Earth Angel has not been easy, check here but he has learned valuable lessons along the way. He encourages everyone to take responsibility for the energy they put into the world, reminding them that we all have the power to heal and transform not only our own lives but the lives of others.

"Start putting out positive things," he says. "When you send love and good energy to others, you are contributing to a collective healing. It’s about lifting each other up, not bringing each other down."

Roy Dawson's wisdom is a reminder that we all have the power to transform the negative into positive, to turn pain into strength, and to be a light in a world that can often feel dark. His spiritual journey is an example of how we can all learn to protect our hearts, control negativity, and use our unique gifts to create a world filled with love, peace, and healing.

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